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The Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance at the Al-ameed University holds a training workshop on(GLP)

9/12/2020 8:23 PM 1975

Today, Saturday (9/12/2020), the Quality Assurance and University Performance Department at Al-ameed University held a training workshop for new staff working in the university's laboratories, which shed light on how to achieve the axes of the laboratory quality classification form whose indicators are to be applied in order to detect points of non-conformity and work On achieving advanced ranks in the national classification of laboratories; It was presented by the director of the department, Dr. Muhammad Salal Al-Khazraji, in association with the engineer Hawraa Abdel-AmirThe workshop consisted of approximately two training hours, as it included a detailed explanation of the laboratory quality classification form in accordance with the Good Laboratory Specifications (GLP) with practical exercises that took place during the workshop to clarify the form indicators and work to achieve all their scores Media and Relationships University_of_Alameed

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